Ink is the new black.

Black clothes roost in my closet, in their solidarity of darkness. This penchant for black has somehow stretched into other cabinets, that hold ink bottles. Why do I have so many different kinds of black ink? Why do I have 10 pairs of black pants? Why is the sky black?

Noodler’s Dark Matter has a cool gray undertone. It takes a little long to dry. This is its official story.

Noodler's Dark Matter
Noodler's Dark Matter

Noodler’s Bad Black Moccasin promises to thwart forgery. I just like the way it spreads on paper. It feels just a little more flowy than Dark Matter.

Noodler's Bad Black Moccasin
Noodler's Bad Black Moccasin

The bottle labels are lovely. “Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

Ink bottle porn
Ink bottle porn

Many seem to think that Heart of Darkness is the ultimate black. It is supposed to “absorb as much of the color spectrum as could be engineered.”

Noodler's Heart of Darkness
Noodler's Heart of Darkness

Cocktail’s Noir Diamant, I hear, is discontinued. This is a sad sad thing. It is one of the best black inks out there, and now it possesses the gravitas of irreplaceability. It is concentrated, and when I bought it, the salesperson said I could still dilute it before using.

Cocktail Noir Diamant
Cocktail Noir Diamant

My ultimate black is still Platinum Carbon Black.

Platinum Carbon Black
Platinum Carbon Black

Unlike all the other inks here, even Heart of Darkness, PCD refuses to acknowledge the presence of gray. It is persistently, stubbornly what it says it is. I could use some of that.