Nakaya Portable Writer in shiro tamenuri.

Here at the Eating Your Words Institute, we specialize in the study of specimens which humans at first say they will not purchase, and then gleefully do after some time has passed, forgetting what they said in the first place.

Nakaya Portable Writer
Nakaya Portable Writer

This Nakaya Portable Writer is a perfect example. It is a specimen of fountain pen with rounded ends and a gently tapering body. Like others of its kind, it enjoys long walks outdoors and everyday adventures.

Hanging around
Hanging around

This particular Portable Writer wears a shiro tamenuri finish. Indoors, it is more subdued, almost rusty. In sunlight, it glows, with orange and golden tones predominating.

Peeking out
Peeking out

The monotone elastic nib, an early defining feature of this species, has cutouts on the sides to give it a bouncy feel in use.

Camouflage attempt
Camouflage attempt

Shiro tamenuri varies from pen to pen, as can be seen in this comparison with a Nakaya Piccolo String Rolled, shot indoors.

A shiro pair
A shiro pair

We also do other things with words here at the Institute, in cooperation with the Writing Your Words Center and the Department of Doodling.

Nakaya elastic nib from Leigh Reyes on Vimeo.